Case Study General Purpose Cleaner
Spray Bottle
Previous Product
Mineral Spirits
Viscous Drawing Lubricant
Customer Requirements
An appliance manufacturer needed a cleaner that is applied by spray bottle for use on their press tooling to remove build-up of viscous forming oil. The product must work quickly to remove the oil and wipe away easily leaving a the tooling clean.
Our formulation team developed a heavy-duty degreaser that quickly dissolved and suspended the heavy forming oil for easy removal from their tooling. CitriKleen is a citrus solvent emulsion that can be diluted with water to attain the desired degreasing performance. This customer found that their press operators prefer CitriKleen to any other cleaner they have tried. Once applied, CitriKleen does not require scrubbing and easily wipes away the accumulated oils from their tooling. This customer also uses CitriKleen in their maintenance department for removing difficult soils.
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