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Significantly reduced chemical consumption in our zirconium bath by transitioning over to Zirkote 602.  MetaLube's product offers more available zirconium at the same chemical concentration which reduced usage by 20% annually.
— Locker/Shelf Manufacturer , Paint Mng
A successful chemical tranisition with MetaLube's assistance.  We previously ran a traditional 5 stage pretreatment operation with powder paint.  Due to the need to transition to liquid paint a totally new paint and pretreatment system was installed.  We looked at other chemistries but went with Metalube due to their customer service and technical knowledge.  Currently running their MetalKleen 2125sL and ZirKote 602.  Great transition and products perform as designed.
— Cylinder Manufacturer, Paint Sup
After having a positive experience with MetaLube taking control of our 4 stage washer for cleaning appliance components the decision was made to extend MetaLube with the opportunity to provide all chemicals for our facility.  At this point they have enhanced performance in our fabrication department and made improvements to waste treatment.  They are positioned to move to the last single stage batch washer next.
— Appliance Manufacturer, Engineering